; R16_3^2, using only 12 pulses ; R16_3^2 recoupling of 1H CSA ;Avance II+ version ;parameters: ;ns : 2 * n ;d1 : recycle delay ;d2 : recovery delay ;d20 : saturation delay ;pl1 : power level for 1H 90 ;pl12 : power level for 1H 180 ;cnst31 : set spinning frequency ;l1 : no of sweeps 10 ;l20 : no of saturation pulses ;l22 : dummy ;l23 : R-sequence counter ;p1 : 1H 90 pulse length for saturation ;p11 : 1H 90 pulse after R-Sequence ;p2 : 1H 180 pulse length for R-Sequence (calc from cnst31) ;d21 : duration of a single R-Block ;d23 : Total Proton Pulses ;$COMMENT=saturation followed by CSA recoupling using R16_3^2 (using only 12 pulses) (also recouples heteronuclear dipolar coupling) ;$CLASS=Solids ;$DIM=2D ;$TYPE=half integer ;$SUBTYPE=simple 2D ;$OWNER=Bruker ;cnst11 : to adjust t=0 for acquisition, if digmod = baseopt "acqt0=1u*cnst11" "d21=3s/cnst31" "p2=d21/16" "d23=td1*16*p2+p1" define loopcounter nfid "l23=0" 1 ze 2 d1 1u pl1:f1 3 d20 (p1 ph1):f1 lo to 3 times l20 d2 ;recovery delay 1u pl12:f1 4 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 (p2 ph6^):f1 lo to 4 times l23 (p11 pl1 ph22):f1 go=2 ph31 d1 mc #0 to 2 F1QF(iu23) HaltAcqu, 1m exit ph1= 0 ph6= (32) 2 30 ph22 = 0 1 2 3 ph31=0 1 2 3